Nervous about your business security and personal privacy?

I help privacy-conscious entrepreneurs protect their business and their families by becoming unstoppable with the Privacy Builder System.

Do you ever worry about:

  • Hackers and thieves stealing your accounts or breaking your business?
  • Getting your twitter/instagram/facebook accounts hijacked?
  • Stalkers and online weirdos?
  • Losing access to your own data or service provider accounts?
  • Getting shut off or canceled for having the "wrong" viewpoint?
  • PayPal locking up funds?

The Privacy Builder System can help eliminate all of these concerns by raising your privacy and security posture to be better than most corporations.

Getting started is simple, and only takes 5 minutes per day to build the habits that will protect your business & family for the rest of your life.

Enter your email to download the Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs Starter Kit and get started today!

I am Karim Nassar. I have been a technologist for over 20 years. As an AdTech executive, I have seen first hand how Big Brother technology can be. While the companies I worked for operated ethically, that's like being a good house in a bad neighborhood. Later, when my wife started her digital coaching business, I saw just how hard it is for a home-based entrepreneur to have even the most basic protection for their business, hence Privacy Builder was born!

I created the Privacy Builder System to empower small home-based businesses, solo-preneurs, and mom-preneurs to have BETTER security and privacy than most corporations. Take control of your data and protect everything you have poured your blood, sweat and tears into.

The Privacy Builder System In a Nutshell

The Privacy Builder System is the Privacy Habits Formula combined with three layers of protection playbooks that empower YOU to take total control of your data and your business assets. You are going to sleep well at night after transforming your business and personal privacy.

If you are like most entrepreneurs, you might think you are not ready, or it takes too much time, or it is too complicated to beat industry standards. The key to having a secure business is tying the right tech habits together with the solutions you already use. The Privacy Builder System enhances your everyday workflow to build security and privacy into your business without wasting your time. Once you discover how to fine-tune your workflow, you are going to love how simple it is to have all of the privacy and security you want.

The Privacy Builder Playbooks

When you decide to take control of your data, you need playbooks. Privacy and security are a very deep topic, even though I have been researching and developing in under hostile conditions for two decades and I am still learning about new attacks, defenses, and enhanced privacy techniques. The Privacy Builder System was created to empower busy entrepreneurs to layer on stronger and stronger defenses over time. I am not going to tell you how easy it is, I'll let you discover that for yourself.

The Privacy Builder System Summary

The Privacy Habits Formula

  • Realize that you need the right Privacy Habits to get control
  • Decide and truly commit to this a mental shift
  • Take 5 minutes (or more) per day to fortify your business
  • Celebrate your wins!

Layer 1: The Fundamentals

  • Lock down your most personal data contained in your family's credit report
  • Create uncrackable passwords, and protect all your credentials in a password manager.
  • Prevent hijacking your cell phone with an admin PIN
  • Secure all of your data transfer using VPN on all devices

Layer 2: Elite Status

  • Scrub your personal data from the internet
  • Use secure encrypted communications & email
  • Eliminate single points of failure
  • Ensure bulletproof backups of all systems
  • Disconnect your physical location from your business so you can work from anywhere seamlessly

Layer 3: The Unstoppable Entrepreneur

  • Migrate your business to open source services that cannot be canceled or shut down by anyone
  • Accept Bitcoin for payments
  • Host your business services on servers you control, that don't depend on any one service provider

That's crazy talk!

I know what you are thinking - that privacy and security for a solo-preneur or small home-based business is complicated and overwhelming. You trust the businesses and services you hired. You are too busy to find the time. Maybe you have tried and failed.

I have been there. To be completely transparent, even though I KNEW HOW to protect myself, it is entirely too easy to not care, and the risk used to be low. Besides, who has the time to redo everything? Time is money right?

Once I realized that privacy and security is a habit - either good or bad - I was empowered to protect my family and allow myself to rest easy knowing we were safe.

You are about to discover how the Privacy Builder System is all about building habits of privacy and security. You will fortify your security and privacy starting with only 5 minutes a day. Within a month you will have security and privacy above where most corporations operate. You'll be on the path to a calm, relaxing setup that saves you time.

A System for Entrepreneurs...

...that have better things to do than wrangle tech. After you fully realize that your privacy and security is just a habit, and that habit is easy to change, you are going to love how much peace you feel about your business. Below is the full details of each playbook.

Playbook 1: The Fundamentals

The "fundamentals" are key to almost any endeavor. I have spent over 2 decades in the tech space watching security theater and privacy hand waving, and to be quite honest the topic has tons of quality drift. Using the Privacy Builder System, you are going to benefit from my two decades of research and experience, and execute the 5 most important aspects to business security and privacy for the home-based entrepreneur.

Enter your email to download the Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs Starter Kit and get started today!

Playbook 2: Elite Status

Level up the security of your business assets, devices, communications and privacy. Most companies never achieve this, but they don't know what I know. With the right habits, checklists and open tools, even a busy entrepreneur can do this. Here is the game plan:

If you are like most people, you are wondering how on earth you can do the above. When you discover how easy it is, you are going to love the secure feeling of freedom it gives you.

Wondering if upgrading to Elite is for you?

Schedule a free consultation to see how I can help!

Playbook 3: The Unstoppable Entrepreneur

For the entrepreneurs that have the most important messages to help elevate humanity, make your business unstoppable: nobody can cancel you, lock your bank account, silence your voice.

After implementing Privacy Builder System, you are going to sleep well at night knowing that your accounts cannot get hijacked, and your data is safe from thieves and disasters.